"Number 88 which marks MJ mix No 176 has various menings - atomic number 88 is an intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores, also in it has lots of symbolic meanings (mostly positive, connected with endlesness, luck, purity) in far eastern culture. So it wouldn't be a big mistake if we would say that the mix by Emurastic, representing Japan, is a combination between reflections of the numbers meaning. On one hand you can esily feel coldness and claustrophobic, decaying atmosphere in it expressed through quite minimalistic electronics. On the other hand repeatativeness and spacey mood gives an inmpession of ritualic ceremony. So a beginning of the mix with tribal, energetic beat gives a visual that tribes elders have gathered for ceremony in the face of the plague and started beating their drums in order to ask gods for help. Later progression of the mix supposes that tribe went to trance and started their communication with spirits. Hopefully this ritual will bring better tomorow.
Mondayjazz expresses maximum support for the land of raising sun and cretive wonders, right now going through tough times. "
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